Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Kenny Webster's Pursuit of Happiness

Ken Webster is a talk radio personality and producer from Houston, TX. He started his career in Chicago on the Mancow show and has since worked at...Full Bio


Houston Inmate Released During COVID19 Accused of "Pummeling" Grandma

If you're upset because an elderly woman and her granddaughter were recently violently attacked in Harris County, you have local Democrats to thank.

This is exactly what critics of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo warned about when the local jails starting releasing potentially violent criminals during the COVID19 outbreak in Southeast Texas.

Do you want to live in a society where the safety of violent criminals is more important than the safety of law abiding citizens?

Jessica Wiley reports:

A man beat his ex-girlfriend and threw her grandmother to the ground two weeks after he was released from jail on a low bond after being arrested for a violent crime, according to Harris County records.
Timothy Singleton, 31, has a warrant out for his arrest.
Two weeks ago, he was released from jail after paying $50 on a $500 bond. The bond was controversial because he has violent convictions. Most recently he was accused of pulling a gun out on his aunt's neighbor.
At his first court appearance at the end of March, Magistrate Jennifer Gaut and prosecutor Karen Barney had a heated exchange about the bond amount.
Barney requested a $50,000 bond based on his criminal history. Gaut ultimately explained COVID-19 concerns in the jail were driving her decisions.
District Judge Chris Morton upheld the bond. The Harris County District Attorney's Office was in the midst of an appeal when Singleton allegedly committed another violent crime.
"This is exactly what we predicted. What we were fearful of," said Andy Kahan, director of victim services at Crime Stoppers.
On Wednesday morning, Singleton attacked his ex-girlfriend at her house in Acres Homes, according to Houston police. After breaking in, he "pummeled" her and "ripped out her weave." Records said he also threw her grandmother to the ground and then took off.

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