Baton Rouge Company Patents World's First Liquor Based Hot Sauce

Hot sauce on a table

Photo: Dejan Markovic / iStock / Getty Images

A Baton Rouge company is patenting the world's first liquor based hot sauce.

Swamp Dragon Hot Sauces has a new concept that replaces vinegar in hot sauce with liquor.

Owner Matt Beeson says due to there being no vinegar in the sauces, they can be used in a wider variety of food offerings, including desserts.

Beeson says the Swamp Dragon sauces are 20-percent alcohol and have been approved for all ages by the United States Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Non Beverage Laboratory.

He adds that the company is continuing to work on further liquor based hot sauces, such as bourbon, rum, tequila and others that could be paired with desserts.

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