Walton And Johnson

Walton And Johnson

The legacy of the Walton & Johnson show continues after 4 decades as Steve Johnson hosts with longtime producer Kenny Webster. The show is a mix of...Full Bio


Alabama Suspect's Hilarious Perp Walk Has Made Him Into a Quasi-Celebrity

Do suspects get a lighter sentence if they record hilarious interviews with local journalist while being escorted to a police vehicle?

Mark Lungariello reports:

An Alabama man accused of stealing a car got his 15 minutes of fame when video of his perp walk went viral — showing the motormouth rambling about running for mayor and even telling a TV reporter he’d “steal your heart, baby.”
Jeffrey McCants also admitted to swiping a Prichard Fire Department vehicle as police led him to an awaiting SUV in handcuffs, the video by WALA shows.
“Hello, my name is Jeffrey McCants – I’m running for mayor of Mobile, Alabama, baby!” he says as he exits a building to a throng of reporters.
One asks McCants why he stole the vehicle — prompting him to try to woo the woman.

And it only got wilder from there...

It kinda reminded us of Donna Goudeau - remember this video?

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